Today is the day to say goodbye to all of my friends from
ICYE, there was a party would be hold in Helsinki in Alina's
host family's salon at 18:00. In the morning, I helped Ester
to make her cards and made chocolate cookies with her, she
got sick without any rhyme yesterday, looking at her pale
face, I really wanted to spend more time with her.

In the noon, I went to Helsinki by bus and read some books
and shopping as long as my friends Diego came, then we went
together to the International Festival first and met other
friends! It was actually pretty good Festival expect for the
muddy ground because of raining day.

Hanging around until 17:00, there was more and more friends
in our group, we went to buy some snacks for the party and
share our heart of the experience in Finland.Diego's Finnish
girlfriend took us to the party place aimlessly, finally getting
there after half hour late.

Needless to say, it was great party because they provided free drinks
unless I didn't success to get drinks from shops because I am not 18 yet,
I drank couple cans of beers and some white wine, the Vodka was absoultely
perfect, I enjoyed the strong burning feeling in my throat. I talked
with everyone how is going on me, they were all happy about my planing of
the Europe trip. It was pleasant to see everyone again and Alina's host father
was a crazy guy, I can easily talk with him, by the way, the other exchange volunteer
from Taiwan Pei-Jen was drunk and throwing up las night with Orlando that was
reason why he didn't drink today in the party.

I was annoyed because Firat was there as well, because I just met him two days ago
and I was like crying and did some stupid staff,but now he is fucking here again,
that was annoying me.

I went home early to catch up my last bus at 22:40, I was reluctant to part saying
goodbye to everyone, but I didn't cry.XDD


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