Tänään on normaali päivä, Mä menin kouluun sitten pelasin sählyy.
Mulla oli kaksi maanlin, olin iloinen illalla.
Mä luin Kirja Ruutinlle yhdekältä, se oli hauska mutta minullä oli vahan Käännös.

OK!!! That's enough for me today, never ask me what it
means because I don't know either. Just a small warm up
to get going with my Finnish!!!I am getting busier than
I was, everything came up to me when I was checking my E-
mail, I have to arrange all the staff by myself for instance
like the trip to Europe, the flight tickets back to Taiwan,
and writing my experiences of being in Finland for ICYE book
review which the deadline is already passed.
I think it
quiet good for me to get busy because I only have two more
months left to stay in Finland.What a short time could it be
!!!I must do as much as I can, spending more time with my host
family, learning more Finnish and doing the things which I pursue
to do!

There is no regret in this trip, GO GO GO!!!!


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